Brendan Hendry, Paul McSherry & Nodlaig Brolly – Stringtones

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Brendan Hendry: (Fiddle & Vocals)

Nodlaig Brolly: (Cláirseach/Piano/Vocals)

Paul McSherry: (guitar / bouzouki)

Two of the Tuned Up outfit return to the studio, joined by Nodlaig Brolly, who comes from a family renowned for their singing and accompaniment. To make another brilliantly though out recording. Several of Brendan's new tunes have a very catchy feel to them. We feel sure they will be played all over the place soon. Music and song of the highest quality.


An Leanbh Aimhreidh:

The Bluffer's Guide:

Willie Hunter's Compliment to Dan R. MacDonald :

Track Listing

  1. Sherwood Forest / McFlynn's Fancy / The Boys of Portaferry. HP & Reels
  2. An Leanbh Aimhréidh. Amrhán
  3. The Tin Hut on Staffan Island. Slow Reel
  4. The Mist Covered Mounain / The Whitethorn Bush/ Dave Collins. Jigs
  5. Ceann Dubh Dilis. Amrhán
  6. Mrs Jameson's Faourite. Slow Air
  7. The Street Cleaner / McDonagh's / The Bluffer's Guide. Reels
  8. Mick Hendry's / Maisie Hendry's. Jigs
  9. The Lime Hill / Willie Hunter's Compliment to Dan R. MacDonald. Strathspeys
  10. Deirdre's Lament. AmrhanAlso available from Copperplate: Tuned Up
    Brendan Hendry & Jonny Toman: Living Roots The Livies Awards 2012 Musician of the Year - Brendan Hendry

This Northern Ireland fiddle player defines what it means to be an Irish musician. His style and taste are impeccable, and nobody deserves this award more. A stunningly gifted musician as evidenced on his two albums so far, Stringtones and Tuned Up. His grasp of the music and soulful playing is what the Irish fiddle is all about. As with all the great musicians, when you hear this artist playing the fiddle, you are hearing Ireland. A master.

Press Reviews

The Living Tradition Jan/Feb 2011

Brendan Hendry - Fiddle, Paul McSherry - Guitars and Bouzouki, and Nodlaig Brolly - Clairseach, Piano and Vocals, have produced a very nice album of music and song.

Traditional and traditionally set items sit comfortably together in one of the best programmes of recorded music I have heard for a long time. Their repertoire includes songs, two sung in Irish, one in English,

reels, jigs, strathspeys, a slow air, and hornpipes. The songs are perfectly suited to Nodlaig's slightly wistful voice, and the arrangements are very sympathetic to the mix of instruments.

Everything is faultlessly performed - these three musicians are very together. All three are new to me and so I know nothing of their backgrounds or influences, but based on the evidence of this CD they must

be wide and varied. Highly recommended. Danny Saunders

American Public Radio

What a great new album! More to come, as we will be playing it a lot.

This is great stuff. Sounds like the real deal to us!

Chicago Irish American Newspaper

Thhis is such a brilliant piece of music from one of the best musicians in the business. Wonderful stuff, true to the bone.Terrific follow up to his first album. Stringtones brings together Brendan Hendry on fiddle (excellent) , Paul McSherry on guitar and bouzouki in a very tasty accompaniment and Noldaig Brolly playing a lovely harp and piano, while singing beautifully. The whole thing has a real sense of class, style and real musicianship in the tradition.

Another great piece of work from Derry and Brendan Hendry. Real trad played and sung perfectly. Oh! Such a tasty treat! Stringtones is one of our favorites of the 2010 albums. We trust Brendan Hendry and his fiddle to bring music of real quality. Here, backed by John McSherry on guitar and Noldaig Brolly on piano and harp, we have a real treat. We also really like Brolly's voice. Great job all round!!!

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Price: £13.99

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