Lorcan MacMathuna – Rogaire Dubh

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With Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh & Mick O'Brien

Lorcan Mac Mathúna: Voice

Caoimhin O Raghallaigh: Fiddle, Hardanger, whistle.

Mick O'Brien: Uilleann Pipes & whistles

Helen Lyons:Harp.

Jane Hughes: Cello.

Conor Lyons: Bodhran.

Lorcan is a great writer on his subject, for further details of Lorcan and his work check out: www.lorcanmacmathuna.com

"but personally I've found this one of the most captivating discs of sean-nós singing I've encountered in recent years". David Kidman


Na Tailliuiri:

An Rogaire Dubh:

Amhran na Leabhar:

Track Listing

  1. Na Tailliuiri (The Tailors-nuh tawl-oorie)
  2. Johnny Seoighe (Johnny Joyce - Johnny show-ig-eh)
  3. Cath Chéim an Fhia (The Battle of Cheim an Fhia- Coh kame-un ee-a)
  4. An Buachaillín Bán (The fair Irish boy - un boo-ak-aleen bawn)
  5. An Rógaire Dubh (the black (haired) rogue - un rogue-are-eh duv)
  6. An Clar Bog Déil (the soft deal board - un cl-og bug dale)
  7. Saileog Rua (Red Haired Sally - sal-oge roo-a)
  8. Tuireamh Mhic Finín Duibh (the elergy of mac finian black - toor-iv vic ineen duv)
  9. Amhran na Leabhar (the song of the books - ow-rawn nu lowar)
  10. Bean Dubh an Ghleanna (the dark woman of the glen - ban duv a ghlana)

Personal Details of Lorcán Mac Mathúna

I have been singing sean-nós songs for the past ten years over which time I have regularly competed in and attended festivals throughout the country. I am on the organising committee of sean-nós cois life, an annual festival in Dublin which promotes this type of singing.

I have collected a repertoire of sean-nós songs through listening to the exponents (past and Present) of Gaeltacht areas from around the country. I am not biased toward any particular style or local repertoire of singing or songs. My repertoire comes from Connemara, and the three Gaeltachts of Munster. I like to think that I have my own approach to all of the songs I have collected and my rendition of sean-nós is customised to my interpretation of the empathy between the lyrics and mood of the music.

Like all sean-nós exponents I have built a relationship with the songs I sing my style of presentation reflects the story in the cadence of the music and phraseology. Songs which exhibit the potential for this include: Cath Chéim an Fhia, Tuireamh Mhic Fhinghin Duibh, An Clár Bog Déal, An Scailpín Draighean, Johnny Seoighe, Na Táilliúirí. The list could include many more.

Collaborating musicians

Caoimhín Ó Raghaille

Caoimhín has been described as an eclectic musician. He has a love of and very intuitive appreciation of sean-nós and identifies the patterns of the music with great sensitivity. He has already recorded a solo album and another in conjunction with Mick O'Brien entitled Kitty Lie Over.

Mick O Brien

Mick O'Brien is a name recognised in Irish music circles as one of the finest pipers of his generation. His albums include "Kitty Lie Over", and " May Morning Dew

Jane Hughes: Jane is a professional musician who works with the RTE symphony orchestra. She has been playing professionally for over ten years.

Helen Lyons: Helen is a young harper with a background in classical and traditional music. A fine exponent of the instrument.

Conor Lyons: Conor plays the bodhrán. He has played on tours with Comhaltas and with various bands as far a field as Lorient.

The CD: Introduction

The concept of the CD "Rógaire Dubh" has been in my head for many years but I never had the opportunity to explore its potential. However, an opportunity arose recently for me to work with two very good musicians (Caoimhín O Raghaille -traditional, on fiddle and whistle, and Jane Hughes -classical, on cello) who were flexible enough to try something completely new.

The opportunity arose because of a recital we did in Bantry this St. Patrick's Day which was a sort of cross pollination of sean-nós singing and traditional and classical music.

It was my intention to work with musicians with both classical and traditional styles to present some, or, most of these songs with a backing that is compatible with the songs. Songs such as:

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Price: £13.99

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