Copperplate Time 404

Copperplate Time 404 Presented by Alan O’Leary 1. Bothy Band:   Green Groves of Erin/Flowers of Red Hill.   After Hours 2. Teada:     Ar Mhuin na Maice/Cairo Barry/Garranmore/Hunter Billy’s.   Coiscéim Coiligh 3.Read More

Copperplate Time 403

Copperplate Time 402 Presented by Alan O’Leary My Miltown Rambles 1. Bothy Band:   Green Groves of Erin/Flowers of Red Hill.   After Hours 2. Willie Clancy:     Connaught Hiefers/Corney is Coming.   Read More

Copperplate Time 402

Copperplate Time 402 Presented by Alan O’Leary 1. Bothy Band:   Green Groves of Erin/Flowers of Red Hill.   After Hours 2. Le Cheile:     Seanamhach Tube Station/Jui’s/The Munster Buttermilk.     Out ofRead More

Copperplate Time 401

Copperplate Time 401 Presented by Alan O’Leary 1. Bothy Band:   Green Groves of Erin/Flowers of Red Hill.   After Hours 2. Garadice:   Gan Ainm/Sunny Hills of Beara/The Castleblamey Piper.   GaradiceRead More

Copperplate Time 400

Copperplate Time 400 Presented by Alan O’Leary 1. Bothy Band:   Green Groves of Erin/Flowers of Red Hill.   After Hours 2. Hill/Linnane/Molloy:  Anderson’s/Carty’s/Sweeney’s Dream.   Noel Hill & Tony Linnane: 3. AngelinaRead More

Copperplate Podcast 272

Copperplate Podcast 272 presented by Alan O’Leary June  2022 1. Danu: The Garsun Who Beat His Father   All Things Considered 2. Mulcahy Family: Mullingar Races/Coen’s Memories/Jim Donoghue’s.    Reelin’Read More

Copperplate Time 398

  Copperplate Time 398 Presented by Alan O’Leary 1. Bothy Band:   Green Groves of Erin/Flowers of Red Hill.   After Hours 2. Hendry/Mulholland\McSherry:  Fox in the Town/In The Tap Room/The BelfastRead More

Copperplate Time 397

Copperplate Time 397 Presented by Alan O’Leary 1. Bothy Band:   Green Groves of Erin/Flowers of Red Hill.   After Hours 2. Blackwater Ceili Band:  Farrell O’Gara/Maids of Mount Kisco/Billy Brocker.  NorthernRead More

Copperplate Time 396

Copperplate Time 396 Presented by Alan O’Leary 1. Bothy Band:   Green Groves of Erin/Flowers of Red Hill.   After Hours 2. Sean O’Riada & Ceoltóiri Chualann % Seán ÓSéa:  O’Neill’s March/MnáRead More