Copperplate Time 394

Copperplate Time 394 Presented by Alan O’Leary An Easter Miscellany 1. Bothy Band:   Green Groves of Erin/Flowers of Red Hill.   After Hours 2. Ben Lenon & Friends: The Enchanted Lady/TheRead More

Copperplate Time 393

Copperplate Time 393 Presented by Alan O’Leary 1. Bothy Band:   Green Groves of Erin/Flowers of Red Hill.   After Hours 2. Gerry Diver :   The Bath Set.      Diversions  3. Brian HughesRead More

Copperplate Podcast 270

Copperplate Podcast 270 presented by Alan O’Leary April  2022 1. Danu:  The Garsun Who Beat His Father     All Things Considered 2. Cillian & Niall Vallely:  Reel of Rio/All around theRead More

Copperplate Podcast 269

Copperplate Podcast 269 presented by Alan O’Leary March  2022 1. Danu: The Garsun Who Beat His Father.   All Things Considered 2. Derrane/Connolly/McGann:  The Curragh Races/The Skylark/The Reconciliation.  The Boston EdgeRead More

Copperplate Podcast 267

Copperplate Podcast 267 presented by Alan O’Leary January  2022 1. Danu: The Garsun Who Beat His Father.   All Things Considered 2. Bridge Ceili Band:  Lord McDonald’s/The Holly Bush/Finbarr Dwyer’s.  SparksRead More

Copperplate Time 382 A Christmas Miscellany

                                       Copperplate Time 382 A Christmas Miscellany Presented by Alan O’Leary 1. Eileen Ivers:   Christmas Eve/Oiche Nollag/High Road to Linton.   An Nollaig 2. Tommy Sands:  Like The First Rime It’sRead More